UNISON is the UK’s largest union, serving more than 1.3 million members. We represent full-time and part-time staff who provide public services, although they may be employed in both the public and private sectors.

Wednesday, 29 April 2020

Our members in care, the NHS and other vital public services have risen to the challenge of dealing with this pandemic.

But many feel they are forced to put themselves in harm’s way every time they go to work because this government is not keeping its promises on personal protective equipment (PPE).


Saturday, 25 April 2020

Ramadan and coronavirus - Supporting Muslim workmates

The TUC has produced some useful advice on the above which can be read here

Wednesday, 22 April 2020

NJC Pay update

Last week UNISON circulated a letter from the NJC Employers’ Side, which made an increased pay offer of 2.75%, along with one extra day of annual leave on the minimum, and a promise that they would approach government to ask for more money for local government pay. I also sent you the response from the NJC trade union executive.


UNISON have since received a further letter from the Employers, which is attached. This new letter makes it clear that in their view, this is a final pay offer, and they encourage us to begin consulting on it. They also state that they wish to begin to discussions about the impact of the increased National Living Wage from 2021, but they say they cannot do this until 2020-21 pay is settled.


NJC Executive members and officers have met and agreed to respond jointly with the other unions. The unions’ response is attached. We made clear that we do not consider the negotiations to be complete. At the time of writing, the Employers’ Side are still planning to write to the government asking for more money for local government pay. But they have not decided whether to agree to a joint process with the unions to take this forward, and they have not told us what they would be seeking from government.


Despite this, it is clear that negotiations are nearing their end, so, as per conference decisions, there needs to be a meeting of our NJC committee. Head office are exploring the best way, in these current times, to arrange such a meeting remotely so the committee can make decisions about how we take forward pay negotiations/consultation.


Tuesday, 21 April 2020

Was an absolute pleasure to deliver face visors to the hard working meals on wheels team Wolverhampton still going out feeding the community. Proud of you all. Supplied by Mantech -UK Ltd  Oldbury and delivered by UNISON City of Wolverhampton Branch.
-Julie Pearce
ex steward Meals on wheels team

Friday, 17 April 2020

The Local Government Association has made an increased pay offer for staff on NJC pay and conditions.

Please find below a copy of a letter from the employers and the response from the NJC joint unions.

You will note that we have not accepted that this is the employers’ final offer, as a number of areas remain unresolved. We have asked the employers to write jointly with us to the government to seek additional funds for an improved offer and also called for a further negotiating meeting.



Wednesday, 15 April 2020

Based in Oldbury, West Midlands Mantech UK is an engineering firm usually selling machine tools. They have the machines and skills to make visors so desperately needed by frontline carers in the community and hospitals during the Covid-19 pandemic

( picture Ade Turner branch Secretary modelling Visor )
Ade has been able to get a limited supply of full face visors for distribution to union members, the first batch going to Bradley resource centre.

Mantech say"Many of our staff have family members on the frontline in the West Midlands area and so far we have funded the materials for over 900 visors ourselves and will continue to do so whilst our help is needed.

We have requests from local hospitals, care homes, GPs and community workers flooding in.

If anyone would like to support us in this work we welcome any donations. Every penny donated will only be spent on materials to enable us to keep meeting the demand
if you would like to contribute to their  important project tthey have a GoFund page here

Trades Union Congress - WikipediaPublic sector workers are for life,
not just for a crisis

An article by the TUC about the imprtance of ourselves can be read here

Tuesday, 14 April 2020

UNISON There for You

CoVid19: Emergency grant application guidelines
In these difficult times, UNISON There for You is supporting those members whose lives have been seriously affected by the Co-Vid pandemic and who, as a result, do not have the immediate funds to cover essential expenditure.
Eligibility criteria
There for You can make emergency grant payments of up to £200 where there is unforeseen hardship.  For example, you/your household may have suffered a sudden loss of income or increase in expenditure.  It could be that you’ve made an application for benefits through the Department of Work and Pensions and are awaiting their decision.   Whatever your situation, we will try to help where we can.
As an example, help could be needed in one or more of the following areas:
-           Childcare/carer costs
-           Prescription costs
-           Travel/parking costs – e.g. essential workers, those with caring responsibilities/urgent medical appointments
-           Other health related expenditure
-           Food and/or fuel costs
-           Work-related expenditure
For copy of form email wolvesunison@outlook.com
Return the completed form to
You should include copy of latest bank statement for you and, if applicable, your partner
If you have any queries concerning these guidelines, the form or, require help and assistance on any matter, please email thereforyou@unison.co.uk or call 020 7121 5620.  Leave a message, (including reference to ‘Emergency Grant’) your phone number and someone will be in touch as quickly as possible

Thursday, 9 April 2020

A number of branch officers are volunteering at the Councils food distribution centre at Aldersley stadium